Seventh Son Games is a board game design and publishing company founded by Ian Allen. We are dedicated to providing games that give a deep, rich experience to the players and allow them to enjoy their investment in our games for many years to come.

Current Project:

Early Release Program

It is the year 2077. The takeover of the world by the Mega-Corporations is almost complete. The political machinery of the largest global governments works hand in hand with the super rich and the mainstream media to funnel most of the world's wealth to the very top of the pyramid.

Anyone who speaks up or rebels in any way is arrested on trumped up charges and sent into one of the thousands of new prisons that have sprung up in the last couple of decades. These prisons are grim places where many of the prisoner's only crime was not being able to out lawyer their opponent.

Still, in the midst of this dark and highly corrupted reality, there is a ray of hope! The kindly WPB (World Prison Board) has, in conjunction with some secret and powerful donors, set up a way for many of those who have been unjustly arrested to win their way to freedom. The Early Release Program!

Some cynical people in what's left of the "free press" have said that this is merely a way for bored billionaires to bet on the lives of desperate people who will do anything to win their freedom, but who can really say?

Once a month, in many undisclosed locations across the globe, competitions are set up. The stakes are life and death, but for the lucky winner of each competition, not only do they get their freedom, but they win a grand prize - a poker chip worth 1 billion dollars in any of 2 dozen participating casinos, enough to set them up for life.

If you are currently extremely wealthy and are looking for a new challenge... come help in the rehabilitation and release of some truly desperate and downtrodden victims of our criminal justice system! You can win untold riches if you are skillful in your betting as well as getting that warm glow from knowing that you have righted a terrible wrong for 1 lucky prisoner by participating in this month's Early Release Program!

Early Release Program Lore Intro

Prototype Art

Meet the Team

  • Ian Allen


  • Sean McKinney
